
Monday, May 28, 2012

The Love Below: "What Every Man Wants" THIS IS DEFINITELY A MUST READ!!!

I love love. Im surrounded by love. My family and God show me unconditional love on an every day basis. I love my friends and they love me, but nothing compares to the love of that one other person. And it’s something everyone wants and needs. Shiet, thugs need love too!
I don’t know if you’ve ever been in love before, but I have. It was that true in love-love…. not that dysfunctional shit you hear about now a days. Kinda funny I’m talkin like it was back in the good’ol days or something, but I swear thats what I feel has happened. Maybe it’s because my love was at a pure age before it was tainted with other temptations. We never cheated on each other, we respected each other and we truly cared for one another. I feel as though these things juss don’t exist any more in most relationships and if they do, it’s very rare that you hear about it. Of course even all good things must come to an end, and for different reasons we couldn’t savor a friendship, but I never regret having had that first love.
I’ve had some messed up situations when it comes to dating, but I can’t say I’ve lost complete hope that I’ll find someone worth it, or rather we’ll find each other, that juss gives me that feeling. You know that feeling I’ve mentioned before, thats ALMOST inexplicable. It gives you that tingling sensation that goes through your limbs… them butterflies in your stomach… and your chest and cheeks feel instantly warm. You have an uncontrollable smile and I swear there’s stars in your eyes. The feeling that’s juss there as soon you look at them and they look at you… kinda somethin like this:

By the way A all i need is one of my absolute favorite songs of all time. Thanks. Ok, any ways. This feeling would be nice to feel again…. and for it to be reciprocated. There’s actually no doubt in my mind I’d be a great boyfriend, which is an aspect of myself that I haven’t channeled for four years now. But I think I was very good at it for seven long years (which was the length of my only real relationship). But the thing is, I’m a dude who knows what he’s worth and no matter how much I love to love, I’d also like to be loved back just as good.

But the reality is, the chemistry is usually off. Most often than not, one person likes the other more. The attraction may juss not be there no matter how good of a girl or guy they may be and lets face it, only people like gold-diggers can really fake the funk. It’s kinda disappointing too, because I’ve actually met a lot of good girls that I wished I was attracted to more than I actually was. And I’ve also been on the other side where girls that I may have really liked juss weren’t feelin me on that level for whatever reason. Happens to the best of us, trust me.

But this post isn’t about a sob story, its about the feeling of love. The good thing about having been in love before, is that you know when something isn’t love. You learn things you want in a relationship and the things you DONT want. Its true, no two loves are the same. But trust me, the shit I be witnessing now a days is NOT love, period! The arguments are so petty, the disrespect is ridiculous, the jealousy is uncalled for, and with the selfishness a true love will never develop.

Sometimes I’m not convinced people know what it really is to be ‘in love.’ Shit anyone can love, that’s easy. And any one can have sex, that’s easy too. But to be in love is to love every thing about that person unconditionally: the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s all one in the same to a person in love. They bring out the best in one another versus the worst. That’s when you know a relationship isn’t working: when you notice change and it’s not for the better.

I’ve heard it be said that who ever cares less, holds the power in the relationship. This may be true, because we’re playing on peoples psychology, but its straight twisted. That shit aint real. That would be the most uncomfortable relationship to be in: one where you always had to hide your feelings in order to save face in a sense, but pride is a hell of a drug. “Love attracts love…Dysfunctional people attract dysfunctional people…Pick one!!”- @Tyrese

Like what happened to that puppy love ish? That was so much easier than all these games having to be played in order to get a boo. You remember them days: when you found out so-and-so liked you from their friend who told your friend. Then they ask you to the winter ball, you have one freak dance then BOOM its like, ‘do you wanna be my boo?’ It’s a yaye or naye from there, but the whole process is about a week, maybe two weeks MAX. It was juss o-so simple… less bullshit, less baggage.

Usually patience and I really don’t get along and often don’t see eye to eye, but when it comes to matters of the heart, we’re like BFFS; best friends fo life! Momma G always told me that it’s better to be by yourself than amongst bad company. And that’s usually what people settle for. “Settling” really isn’t in my vocabulary, so I’m good to wait as long as it takes for some true love. And there she will be, wrapped in a bow, waiting on my doorstep, no baggage, not afraid of commitment, already been trained by their momma, crazy chemistry, with some ambition and a genuine soul. Patience BETTER not forget the bow!
Bottom line is I don’t care who you are, everyone wants and needs Love. Juss make sure it’s the true kind and not that dysfunctional mess. If your relationship resembles that of Ronnie and Sammy’s on Jersey Shore, then that my friend is dysfunctional and you’re a menace to society. Please don’t procreate. But if you got that good good genuine love, then spread the word and work to keep it.


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